How to lose weight without diets?

how to lose weight at home without harming your health

The "heroin chic" of the nineties has been replaced by a fashion for a healthy lifestyle and sports. If a few decades ago the model's thinness was enough to be considered a beauty, the modern standard is a fit and athletic figure. However, regular workouts at the gym take time, which not every woman has. Yes, and strict diets that promise a loss of 10 pounds a month are by no means a universal remedy. But how to lose weight without dieting and exercising? Don't believe anyone who says it's impossible. Perhaps, if you approach weight normalization wisely.

How to calculate your body mass index and why you need it

If you're looking for a way to lose weight without dieting, the first thing to do is calculate your own BMI - body mass index. This is necessary to objectively assess the weight, figure and set the goal correctly. Without a BMI, the desire to lose weight will be vague, vague, because you won't know your ideal weight.

The body mass index is a conditional value created by doctors to assess human weight. It is the ratio of body weight to height. Calculate using the formula: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. For example, your height is 170 cm, that is 1. 7 m, so we multiply 1. 7 by 1. 7 and we get 2. 89 square meters. Let's say your current weight is 75 kg. So to calculate your BMI, you need to divide 75 by 2. 89. It turns out 25. 95. This is your body mass index.

We compared this number with the interpretation of the World Health Organization. Note that there may be other ways to interpret the IMC on the network, but they are questionable. Focus on the WHO assessment:

  • 16 and under - a significant lack of mass;
  • 16-18. 5 - insufficient body weight;
  • 18, 5-25 - the norm;
  • 25-30 - overweight;
  • 30-35 - the first degree of obesity;
  • 35-40 - the second degree of obesity;
  • 40 and above - severe obesity.

So 25. 95 is the lower limit for "overweight". That is, you do not need to lose as much for the norm: 5 kg. If you lose 10 kg, the weight is still within the medical norm. So you can set that goal for yourself.

But what if your BMI is already in the 20-22 range? That means you almost certainly shouldn't lose weight. Of course, the body mass index does not take into account the characteristics of the complexion, you may not have enough muscle tissue or light bones. However, if after losing weight your BMI is below normal, it is better not to risk your health and not to chase thinness. When you are dissatisfied with your figure at the same time, it may not be the weight, but the need to strengthen your muscles.

If your BMI is 30 and above, you should definitely consult an endocrinologist before losing weight. Because with a high degree of probability, you need medical help to normalize your weight.

This must not be forgotten

  • Do not use automatic BMI calculators, calculate the index yourself. Some calculators deliberately inflate the results to force you to purchase goods and services featured on the same site.
  • Remember that BMI is an approximate value, the index does not take into account many parameters, such as complexion characteristics, skeletal weight, even sex and age. So take BMI as a guide, but not as the ultimate truth.
  • For a more accurate assessment of your condition, use a special device to determine the percentage of fatty tissue in the body. This indicator will give you a more accurate idea of how many pounds you need to lose weight and whether you need to lose weight. Because 75 kg of muscle is not the same as 75 kg of fat tissue.

reasons to gain weight

To determine how you can lose weight without dieting, you need to understand the causes of weight gain. It's one thing to eat a whole chocolate cake every night before bed. It's a completely different matter if you suffer from endocrine disorders, lead a sedentary lifestyle and don't get enough sleep on a regular basis. So what are the reasons for weight gain?

  • Imbalanced nutrition. The only way to get an objective picture of your own diet is to write down what and when you eat. It sounds boring, but otherwise your opinion of your own nutrition will not be objective. You may feel like you're not eating much, but in practice, you'll lose sight of too many snacks or high-calorie alcohol. So keep a food diary for a week or two and then reread it and assess how healthy your diet can be.
  • Eating disorder. A food diary can also help identify this problem, but an eating disorder is a serious medical problem that you cannot manage on your own. You will need the help of an endocrinologist and a psychotherapist who specializes in eating disorders. Possible symptoms of the disorder are feelings of guilt after eating, eating without feeling hungry, alternating strict diets with "breakdowns", discomfort when you have to eat with other people, and so on.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Maybe your diet is in perfect order, but you are moving very little. Assessing your own activity during the day will help special apps or a regular step counter on your smartphone.
  • Regular lack of sleep and chronic stress. Unfortunately, lack of sleep can be the cause of many health problems, indirectly it can even be a boost to the development of diabetes. Also, the body, exhausted from lack of sleep, uses food as an additional source of energy, so you eat more.
  • endocrine disorders. Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, PCOS are not a complete list of disorders that can be accompanied by weight gain. Assess your physical and emotional state: Are there other symptoms that indicate health problems?

Find out why to determine how you can lose weight without dieting at home. Eliminate the cause of excess weight first: see a doctor and ask for treatment if necessary. Try to rearrange your sleep/wake schedule if you don't get enough sleep. It is not necessary to exercise a lot to correct a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes just walking regularly, walking in the fresh air.

This must not be forgotten

  • If you have gained more than 5 kg in a month, although your diet and lifestyle have not changed, consultation with a therapist and endocrinologist is mandatory. You are almost certainly dealing with a medical problem.
  • If you don't complain about your health, but still decide to discuss weight loss issues with an expert, you should be a certified physician, not a fitness trainer, trainer, or someone who sells "weight loss marathons" online. The human body is a very complex system and sometimes not even medical training is enough to give good advice on how to lose weight. Athletes, models, fitness enthusiasts cannot be considered "professionals" in these matters.

How can you lose weight without dieting

Interestingly, but the first thing to do to lose weight is to hide the scale in the pantry. You don't have to weigh yourself every day, even if you can. Once a week is enough. Regular weighing creates neurosis, additional stress, and this interferes with weight normalization.

To get in shape without diets and heavy exercise, you will have to change your lifestyle. Yes, it's not easy, but it's the existing lifestyle that has led your body to become overweight. Plus, not only will you lose weight, but you'll generally feel better if you try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. What this means?

Even with a healthy lifestyle, you need to see a doctor in a timely manner. Regardless of whether your health problems affect the figure or not. Behind the day-to-day worries, it can be difficult to find the time and money to visit a doctor, but this is an extremely important task. Your health and well-being must come first.

A healthy lifestyle is a good night's rest. The advice to get enough sleep is easier than following this advice, especially if you work hard and have kids in the family. However, an 8-hour night's sleep is half the health. Always try to make a choice in favor of sleep. Waking up two hours early to run or sleep before work? Get enough sleep. Sleep more or take a walk around the city at night? Sleep longer.

A healthy lifestyle is moderate physical activity. We are not talking about exhausting exercises. However, lack of movement harms the spine, nervous and endocrine systems. Go for a walk every day, do simple exercises at home for morning or evening exercise. Find a form of physical activity that you enjoy and that can be part of your routine. It can be long walks, jogging, yoga, dancing, active outdoor games - anything as long as you enjoy moving.

Finally, to lose weight without dieting, you will have to rethink your nutritional approach. A balanced diet is not synonymous with a low-calorie diet. On the contrary, it provides enough energy but does not contribute to weight gain.

Principles of a balanced diet

  • The basis of the diet is cereals, vegetables, vegetables and fruits, and meat products should be less than a third of the portion. Add nuts, seeds, herbs to your diet.
  • Minimize alcohol, sweets, rich, fatty, smoked and fried foods. If you cannot completely give up these products, eat them in small portions and not every day. Let them be a pleasant exception, but not the rule, in the diet.
  • Gradually reduce the amount of sugar. Sugar is a great source of energy, but it creates a blood glucose spike and also diminishes the enjoyment of other foods.
  • Eat 5 times a day. Unexpected, right? To lose weight without homemade diets, you need to eat more often, not less. Don't skip meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and at least two afternoon snacks in between. However, portions should not be too large.
  • Try to eat the most calorie-dense foods in the morning. If you want to treat yourself to a bagel or a piece of chocolate, do it in the morning. Dinner should be light.
  • Don't eat less than two hours before bed. Give your body a chance to absorb food before going to bed.
  • Don't skip breakfast. This is the main meal, the lack of a full breakfast often causes you to overeat during dinner and lunch or intercept fast food and sweets on the go.
  • Don't go hungry. Among people who want to lose weight, there is an opinion that the most effective way to lose weight is to organize a hunger strike for the body. It is harmful, ineffective and, in the long run, threatens with overeating, as well as metabolic disorders.

Avoid alcoholic beverages - they are high in calories and make you feel hungry. Replace frying in a pan with grilled dishes or in the oven. Let fried, greasy, smoked be a rare delicacy on the table. For snacks, you can take unsweetened yogurt, fruit, nuts, whole-wheat bread sandwiches. But avoid all types of fast food if you want to lose weight without diet and exercise.

Common mistakes when trying to lose weight

The worst mistake you can make when trying to lose weight is trying to lose weight quickly. A normal, healthy rate of weight loss is 2-5 kg per month. If you lose mass faster, it's stressful on the body. In addition to being unhealthy, in the future it is fraught with the fact that the lost mass will return and it is possible that you will weigh even more. In addition, over time, extreme diets and exercise stop working: even when starving, the body does not lose fat tissue. In order not to get in this situation, do not try to lose weight too quickly.

The second common mistake is the complete rejection of fats. Fats are an essential part of the diet. However, prefer vegetable fats, not animal fats, and make sure that their share of the menu is low.

The third mistake is a sharp reduction in calories. For example, a person calculates the ideal number of calories and drastically reduces portions. However, scientific studies have shown that it is impossible to cut the diet by more than 20% of the usual number of calories. So even if you eat too much, reduce calories gradually.